Why Celesticare???


"A little over a year ago I was in tears because I continued to get multiple medical denials for Genell’s care and equipment. After lots of research and SACRIFICE, Genell now has everything she needs and the pieces are finally starting to fall into place... As a special needs mom, it’s not often we get to celebrate victories, but today... we did just that!" — @melanieoates

Made in USA

SleepSafe Beds

"It's here!! Today Oaklynn's new bed was delivered and set up. I fought so incredibly hard for this and seeing her in it and how amazing it is, all the stress, tears, sweat, and hard work was worth it. She LOVES it!! I feel so much better about her in this bed. We will all sleep well tonight." — @special_needs_mama

Made in USA

SleepSafe Bed

"A little over a year ago I was in tears because I continued to get multiple medical denials for Genell’s care and equipment. After lots of research and SACRIFICE, Genell now has everything she needs and the pieces are finally starting to fall into place... As a special needs mom, it’s not often we get to celebrate victories, but today... we did just that!" — @melanieoates

Made in USA

SleepSafe Beds

"It's here!! Today Oaklynn's new bed was delivered and set up. I fought so incredibly hard for this and seeing her in it and how amazing it is, all the stress, tears, sweat, and hard work was worth it. She LOVES it!! I feel so much better about her in this bed. We will all sleep well tonight." — @special_needs_mama

Made in USA

SleepSafe Bed

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